Friday, October 30, 2009

On a Clear Day You Can See Forever

I've made my choice. I've decided to join the accounting profession.

Note the word profession.

This is not a job. But a Profession.

As stated by David Maister, True Professionalism is about having "the courage to care about your people, your clients, and you career".

If not for my exchange, I would never come across David Maister's book, I would not think about joining a professional service firm, and I would still be looking for that ever elusive dream job.

Work for a company that you admire; I think PwC fits that choice. Audit may not be the most exciting job in the world, but I truly believe that it is a job that allows you to develop your business knowledge and ability communicate effectively with people who probably think you're a pest. It also provides a social good to the society at large. Wherever this road may lead, I don't know. But I know i will not treat this as a JOB, but as a chance to learn and grow myself, to be the best colleague and learner the firm has ever seen.

After looking at many auditors who are in their 30s with dry and sallow looking skin, I need to start drinking collagen soup and bring humidifier to the office. Haha. A friend said that I'll still get the same 'dry look'...let's see if i can defy age and gravity....mmm...maybe its time for me to have a portrait like Dorian Grey....looking at Ivan Albright's portrait...well maybe not.

A decision 6 years in the making. I'm happy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Done with strategy proj!

It has been really long since i felt so relieved after a project. We are done with our strategy presentation and I'm really proud of what our group has accomplished. It is such a wonderful experience to work with people who are committed, competent and trustworthy.

Kudos to my groupmates - pris, sok yih, and lius!

Awesome groupmates for tax and ama too.

Now i have to buck up for my GRA project given how i've 'buang' my mid term. haha. Going to sleep at 9.30. Probably losing my voice....mmm...need to go Ma Guang again. But my favorite sin seh is teaching at NTU now. haiz...dunno which new doctor to trust.

A tremendous number of people in America work very hard at something that bores them. Even a rich man thinks he has to go down to the office everyday. Not because he likes it but because he can't think of anything else to do.
W. H. Auden

...we can easily substitute "America" to "Singapore" or better still "SMU". ..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Investment Styles, Dividend Policies

I attended a talk by Dr. Andreas Gruner from University of St. Gallen 2 days ago. The topic of the talk was "Successful future investments - Portfolio Management after the financial crisis".

He introduced major categories of investment styles and different type of asset class which generate extra returns during different market cycles.

In general, major investment styles include:
1. Buy and hold
2. Value : buy stocks with low valuation and sound fundamentals
3. Growth: buy stocks with growing sales, earnings,etc
4. Contrarian: buy what is unpopular
5. Momentum: buy stocks that exhibit positive price performance
6. Size: small cap vs. large cap
7. Cyclical: buy stocks that exhibits high correlation with market conditions
8. Defensive: buy stocks that exhibits low correlation with market conditions
9. Income generator: buy stocks with steady cash generation ability

In a latter part of his talk, he discussed the advantages and drawbacks of each strategy. He suggested that IF you know where in the 'market cycle' we are in, you can achieve higher return by rotating between different styles and asset class. The flip side is that if you are always SLOWER than the market and is always playing catch-ups, you'll face greater downside and limited upside.

Credit Suisse has a similar program that 'guides' investors on which style/asset class to focus in during different market cycle. Full diagram available here.

The professor also mentioned that in the LONG RUN (he used data that goes back to 1926), small caps value stocks beats large cap growth.

Tweedy, Browne has recently published a paper on the importance of dividends on investors returns. Do read this amazing article and you may want to rethink those debates between growth vs value.

Dividend Policy
We must always look analyse dividend policy in relation to the earnings potential and return on incremental of a firm. For a high growth company with decent return on capital, there is no reason why earnings should be paid out and debt be incurred to sustain growth.

For low growth company with HIGH return on capital, i think a high dividend payout policy prevents management from feeling the need to build empire with their spare cash. The recent corporate action of San Miguel to diversify from high return liquor business into low return utilities could be such an instance. Of course, you can also argue that they are creating a wider revenue base and the company can be more sustainable over the long term. However, i would also think that cash can be distributed to individuals and they can decide how the best diversify their portfolio.

On a separate issue, for my Singapore friends who are reading this post, do be cautious of your own bias when buying high yielding stocks. I have a mental accounting habit of looking at my portfolio as recorded on my brokerage account and 'forget' that a large part of annual returns is sent to my bank account. This could lead to certain unintended behavior like having a bias towards company that show price appreciation than high dividend return.

In time to come, I hope the SGX/CDP can work out a program to allow direct crediting of dividend to individual brokerage account. Furthermore, corporation can work directly with shareholders in administrating "DRIP" - dividend re-investment program, to allow individual shareholder to accumulate more shares when they are younger, and to reduce trading and commission expense of individual investors.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Over coffee

I was the emcee for a friend's wedding today. Congrats once again to the beautiful couple Ying Jian and Wee Ling. Ying Jian is one of the most generous seniors I met when I was in year 1. When I was still struggling with the difference between operating income and operating cash flow, he was the only person who explained these accounting concepts to me in a easy to understand and intuitive manner. There is no expectations for any favors in return for such actions, but kindness and generosity are rare and precious, thus I'll always be thankful that there was once a Y3 who bothered to answer simple questions from a Y1.

Had a nice long chat with ZB and Joel. It has been too long since we talked. I'm always thankful for my experience in E.y.E, and how these two wonderful human being has helped me learn and grow. Super happy that ZB managed to get what he wants, if anyone deserves a ticket to success, its ZB.

Talked about our time in E.y.E, bitched a little about these and that. And then loh wei had to talk about morbid stuff. tsk tsk tsk. luckily i've got two accommodating friends who allowed me to rant. Talked about trading youth and time for career, money, and prestige. Is it worth it all?

We worked so hard to strive for excellence, to work for something...what if at the end of the day, the prize is not what you want?

Sometimes i wonder if being blissfully unaware that there is a 'better' world out there is truly a blessing. Awareness makes living clear, but it may lead to a lot more pain. Sometimes I feel that I torn from within, to search for an answer that may not exist.

As we lay in our coffin on the last day, who will attend our funeral? who will weep for us? who cares? why do i care...a dead man can't care.

Learnt a new word from "The Elements of Style" today: "Hopefully".

"This once-useful adverb meaning “with hope” has been distorted and is now widely used to mean “I hope” or “it is to be hoped.” Such use is not merely wrong, it is silly. To say, “Hopefully I’ll leave on the noon place” is to talk nonsense. Do you mean you’ll leave on the noon plane in a hopeful frame of mind? Or do you mean you hope you’ll leave on the noon place? Whichever you mean, you haven’t said it clearly. Although the word in its new, free-floating capacity may be pleasurable and even useful to many, it offends the ear of many others, who do not like to see words dulled, or eroded, particularly when the erosion leads to ambiguity, softness, or nonsense."